Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tebow Time!

Tebow Time!

Luke 23:34a says, “Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” I wonder if Tebow has prayed this after he reads some of the Twitter, Facebook, or other comments media sources have reported on about his behavior on the field. The main comment that inspired me to write this blog was Terrell Suggs negative statement about God being on Tebow’s sideline during games. Suggs went even further in saying he didn’t need God on his sideline. At the time I read it I couldn’t believe someone would even say something like that about God because I didn’t think he would want to offend his teammates who might be Christians. Suggs plays for the Baltimore Ravens and I believe Michael Oher is a Christian. (Michael Oher from “Blind Side”) There have been other players around the league who have said that Tebow is going over board in sharing his belief on the field and in the media room. I have read some other Christian blogs that have said he’s a little too much. I have to state for the record how can someone, if genuine, go too far in demonstrating his or her love for Jesus Christ. Jesus died for us! I think we shout it out daily in the streets! I completely believe Tim Tebow is a devout follower of Jesus Christ and how he acts on and off the field is the way he truly is at home. We as humans can get on each other’s nerves in the way we act or demonstrate our love for things. I saw a couple a weeks ago where the big running back on the Giants scored a touchdown against the Cowboys and then stood in the end zone humping the air. No one lost their mind about this crude behavior. Most fans would call it a touchdown celebration dance but I would beg to differ. My four year old was watching the game with me and has started imitating everything he sees these guys do but luckily for me he missed this act of “dancing”. All I’m saying is if we’re going to tolerate this type of celebration that only brings glory to self then how can it hurt for someone to give glory to his God in a very humble way be a problem.
I know there a lot of other good Christians who have a quieter approach to honoring our Lord but I don’t think Tim Tebow has had a choice in the attention he’s gotten. If you don’t like hearing Tebow give thanks to Jesus you have a choice to turn off your TV or don’t follow the Denver Broncos at all. The media snaps shots every time he does something. Tebow isn’t scheduling press conferences and preaching sermons. He is just showing up playing the game and if you put a microphone in his face he’s going to give credit to our Lord Jesus Christ and I’m going to tell you right now if the Cleveland Browns start winning Colt McCoy will be doing the same thing. These young men understand the platform they have been given and that’s to give glory to the one who gave them eternal life. It makes me feel good to have Jesus’ name in the headlines where it rightfully belongs. I think this young man has done a wonderful job in how he’s handled himself under this spotlight. I’m definitely a Tebow fan and I can’t wait to get my Tim Tebow jersey to where all over the place. I had a student tell me I was on the Tebow Bandwagon and I told him I love people who stand up for Jesus! I don’t know if the Broncos will defeat the Patriots this weekend but if they do Tebow will give all glory to God and his teammates before he takes any credit. The eyes of the NFL will be on the Broncos and Patriots this Saturday night and for the first time some people might find out about Jesus Christ because of a football game. Isn’t it funny how God can take someone who’s not suppose to be in the QB position and make it work beyond belief of so-called experts. Win or lose on Saturday night God will be glorified! Passion’s Path is a great place to take a walk!